Our environment

As a heritage railway we have a responsibility to work sustainably and protect the local environment wherever possible. This is especially relevant as the proposed extension to the railway is across unspoilt land in the middle of West London, kindly leased to us by Thames Water.]


Local heritage railway and Woodland Trust working together for the environment!

Under the Woodland Trust ‘Free trees for schools and communities’ initiative, Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway were delighted to qualify for free plants and shrubs from the Trust for their new woodland walk planned for 2022.

The heritage narrow gauge railway is situated in a densely populated area of West London and offers steam train rides and picnics in a countryside setting to the local communities March to October. Operated entirely by volunteers with a wide range of skills, including an enthusiastic gardening team, the railway has a pretty picnic field and a children’s play area. “The new woodland walk, reclaimed from a huge mass of brambles, will greatly enhance our visitor experience” said Janet Hales, who heads up the team, “and there’s also a beautiful wildflower meadow patch, along with bug hotels to attract insects, spiders and birds”. Other plans include a new hedge of mixed native shrubs and trees, including silver birch, crab apples and rowan.

The railway is always looking for volunteers to help operate the railway such train drivers, firemen, station staff, admin, woodworkers, electricians, as well as gardeners. Visit our website www.hamptonkemptonrailway.co.org for further information. To volunteer to help with planting the new woodland walk, contact Janet Hales janet@enterpriseno1.co.uk or mobile: 07958 130513

Linda Roberts, Publicity Manager, Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway, Snakey Lane, Hanworth, TW13 6XH    mobile:  07796322463


Caring for the environment during restoration. As a heritage railway, we feel that when carrying out works on our restoration project, we have a responsibility to work sustainably and protect the local environment wherever possible. This is especially relevant as the proposed extension to the railway is across unspoilt land in the middle of West London, kindly leased to us by Thames Water. Read more.

How we will care for the environment. Our plans for the future of Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway (HKWR) involve an extension across unspoilt land-The South Field Diversion and the reinstatement of the original track from near Bunny Lane down to the terminus at Hydes Field. Read more.

Wildlife and our environment. Our volunteers want to ensure that wildlife and the habitat remains a priority as we progress with our restoration project. Read more.