
We need your help to create a railway archive

We are now starting a project to build an archive for the Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway, and we need your help. If you are a local person, or have an interest in the railway, or know someone that was associated with the railway, we’re looking for all sorts of information to help build our archive so that this is not lost forever.

Please do contact us to help with the very valuable community project.

  • Photographs, original, copies or any held on a computer
  • Plans or maps
  • Documents of any type
  • Memorabilia
  • Objects / artefacts
  • Personal reminiscences by those with a connection to the railway
  • Video / film
  • Photographs, film, plans of the current restoration work

The archive will include everything we can find from the early 20th century to the present day.

It also needs to include photographs and plans of the railway restoration so we record every step we take.

It is important to develop the archive now before items disappear and to conserve them for the future.

Having everything kept centrally will assist us in many ways. It will help with providing material for future museum exhibits and displays; website and social media; publicity material; articles in magazines and future publications; for people researching railway history; and for future talks.

If you have anything of interest please contact the Archivist.

The Archive, Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway, Kempton Park Waterworks, Snakey Lane, Feltham, TW13 6XH

Further information about becoming a volunteer can be found here.