Donate towards our future!

If you want to help us, there are many ways to donate. Thank you.

Bank Transfer

Lloyds Bank

Account Name:  Hampton & Kempton Waterworks Railway Donations Account

Account No:  35220460

Sort code 30 84 46

Please use reference: HKWR Donate and your initials

Don’t forget. Gift Aid it! Please help us increase your donation by 25% by downloading and completing the Gift Aid Declaration Form and send to the address on the form.


Please download and complete the Cheque Donation & Gift Aid Declaration Form and make your cheque payable to Hampton & Kempton Waterworks Railway and return to the address on the form.

Standing Order

To set up a monthly, quarterly, or annual donation, simply complete an online Standing Order Mandate via your bank account. Alternatively, you can download and complete the Standing Order Mandate Form & Gift Aid Declaration Form and return to the address on the form for us to process on your behalf.

Legacies and bequests

There are several tax-efficient ways of donating to the railway, but it is also possible to leave a legacy by means of a bequest in your Will. For further information see Donating And Bequests.